CPCA Credit Guidelines


CPCA Academic Credit Guidelines

The American Council on Education in its Credit Recommendation Evaluative Criteria, states, “normally, academic credit is assigned on the basis of one semester credit hour for each 15 classroom contact hours plus 30 hours of outside preparation or equivalent. The “hour” is 50 minutes in length.

Therefore, 15 classroom hours is equal to 15 x 50 minutes or 12.5 clock hours for one credit. A 3-credit hour course would equal 12.5 clock hours, times 3 for a total of 37.5 clock hours. The outside preparation or equivalent would be 75 clock hours.


One undergraduate semester credit hour of instruction given to students equals:

  • Fifteen (15) fifty-minute (50 minute) class sessions of scheduled instruction given to students. In class contact hours with professor includes an administration approved class session, live streaming, via Skype or similar live professor instruction with assigned reading, written project, quizzes, and final exam.
  • Two-hundred twenty-two (225) pages of assigned reading with prescribed reading report documentation, written project, quizzes, and final exam.
  • Or any combination of blended methods of study which equal one credit hour of classroom study.


One graduate semester credit hour of instruction given to students equals:

  • A. Fifteen (15) fifty-minute (50 minute) class sessions of scheduled instruction given to students. In class contact hours with professor includes an administration approved class session, live streaming, via Skype or similar live professor instruction with assigned reading, written research project, quizzes, and final exam.
  • B. Three-hundred seventy-five (375) pages of assigned reading with prescribed reading report documentation, written research project, quizzes, and final exam.
  • C. Or any combination of blended methods of study which equal one graduate credit hour of class room study.